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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Friday, November 20, 2020 8:29 AM
From: Yulia

How wrong you are! Let’s start with the fact that the visit to the consulate will be only after obtaining a passport. I couldn’t even think that you could act so low. I have preserved all the correspondence. Tomorrow I’ll probably write a police report against you. Because I have all the receipts from the travel agency. Here is a link to the Russian source for information on obtaining a visa to the United States.,%D0%BE%D1%84%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BC%2C%20%D1%81%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%B1%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%83%D1%82%20%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%BE%20%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%BC%D0%B8.

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When I see a lie about me in your blog on the Internet, I will also definitely write another statement to the court. Since this is also a violation of some laws of the Russian Federation. Also, you provided me with false information about transfers in payment systems. I’ll take bank statements. And for libel on the Internet, you can also get punished in accordance with the law. I will describe the whole situation in the office of the travel company and I hope they will refund my money. How low you did to me. I really hoped everything would be okay. But you did so low. I don’t know how to trust people in the future. It seems to me your deceptions and the fact that you gave me deliberately false transfer codes will be assessed as a fact of fraud, since you had nothing to do with these codes. I am sincerely sorry for you that you are such a person. Yes, apparently I didn’t think very well about everything, because first of all I gave in to emotions. I almost forgot that you tried to trick me into getting my passport details. By the way, this is a direct violation of the law. If this investigation goes far, I hope we meet in court and I can look you in the eye. Also, if it is possible, I will appeal to the higher authorities about your deception. I will bring all the evidence that I was confident in my intentions, and you were simply deceiving me and I had to make attempts to obtain funds on the basis of knowingly false information. Tomorrow I will go to the prosecutor’s office.