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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Thursday, November 19, 2020 1:14 AM
From: Yulia

Hi my beloved Ryli, I just went to the bank to get a transfer from you. I was told clearly and clearly that the transfer for such a number does not exist or the transfer number does not exist. My dear Ryli, I do not understand what is the matter. Why did this happen again? I just can’t figure out what’s the matter. The bank employee contacted the Moneygram hotline operator. They also answered that there was no such translation. I was told to contact you. My dear Ryli, please send me a screenshot from your Moneygram account, there should be information on the transfer. It’s just the second time when the translation is not available. I do not understand what is the matter and what is happening in general. My dear Ryli, I understand that you are not against litigation with the system, but it may take a long time and my flight may be delayed. If you sent a transfer at a branch without registering on the Moneygram website, then please send me a receipt for the transfer. I was asked to do this at the bank so that I could receive the transfer very quickly and without any problems. They also told me that you can check the status of the transfer on the website. My beloved Ryli, I am very upset right now that the problem arises again. I really hope that this is a simple mistake in the numbers of the transfer number. I hope you will answer me soon. Please write as you read this letter. Please send me a photo of the receipt or a screenshot from your Moneygram account. I came home and my tears were flowing, I just could not contain my emotions. You know how much I want to be with you already. I hope you will answer me soon. I am very grateful for your video. I really liked it. Can you teach me how to dance? We could do it in pairs. It really calms me down. I know I will be reviewing your video several times! I really wanna be with you! I hope that the moment will soon come when we will overcome the problems with the translation and I can pay the travel agency. I love you very much and look forward to your answer.