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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Tuesday, November 17, 2020 3:24 AM
From: Yulia

My beloved Ryli, I am now back at work. I wrote you a last letter from the internet cafe. My dear Ryli, this morning I saw your letter and immediately ran to the bank branch in order to have time to receive the amount before working day, in order to go to a travel company after work and pay the full amount. My beloved Ryli, I am very grateful that you did not leave me alone with the problem of paying for travel and hotel. I very love you. In Russia, they say that true love and friendship is known in trouble. But now I understand the meaning of these words more than ever. Thank you for helping with the meeting. I will be happy to inform you when the moment comes when I will pay the full amount. My beloved Ryli, I am very glad that soon we will be together and there will be absolutely no distance between us. My beloved Ryli, I will tell you the exact date of my arrival at the Las Vegas airport only after paying for the trip. I look forward to the moment when we finally meet our eyes for the first time near the airport, the moment when we take our first steps towards each other and when our first hug will take place. But before that, I have to pay the full amount and draw up a fairly large number of documents. It will not be particularly difficult, but you need to do everything clearly in the order that the travel company will establish. I really hope that you will write to me soon. Please check the correctness of the specified translation. They told me there was some mistake. Or maybe you haven’t confirmed the transfer online. Please check if everything is correct, I hope that today I will have time to go to the bank and visit the travel agency.