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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Monday, November 09, 2020 3:30 AM
From: Yulia

Hello my dear Ryli, today I came to work and now I’m fine. Thank you for your kind words and care. I think that if you are not sick with a coroavirus, then the symptoms of loss of smell and taste can disappear with other mild diseases. I’m worried about you, I hope you’re healthy. Today my colleagues and I are going to a cafe on the outskirts of the city to congratulate our boss. My boss came in today in a bad mood. But we are already preparing a surprise for her and do not wish her a happy birthday. A surprise awaits her in the evening.

My dear Ryli, I miss you very much. I have such a feeling that we would have known each other all our lives. I am attracted to you and I really want to at least not be able to feel next to you at least for a minute or at least for one moment. My beloved Ryli, I have a break now because there are no clients in the salon and I decided to write you a few lines about my feelings for you. I want to say thank you very much for appearing in my life. I really feel a change in myself since the moment we met. I began to perceive everything more joyfully and I am almost always in a good mood. But of course there are days when it gets sad. At such moments, I would give everything to feel your embrace and support. Every time I cook my own food for dinner, I think I could surprise you in terms of cooking. My father taught me how to cook from childhood. He took me on weekends to work in a cafe or restaurant where he used to work. It was always interesting for me to watch the preparation of food or to participate in this process.

I want to tell you that my father will pick me up tonight from my boss’s birthday party. My dad suggested taking a walk down the street a bit and just chatting. I think I will be home closer to 11 pm. Don’t worry, I will be fine. I’m just a little afraid to go home alone in the evening. I live in a rather dangerous area of the city. Here you can meet stray dogs or drunk people. In Russia, there is a big trouble with alcoholism and drug addiction. I periodically see drunken companies of young people. Unfortunately, not always adults. I don’t understand the current rising generation. And what about this in your country? I hope everything is much better than in Russia.

My dear Ryli, an appointment client is coming soon and I need to prepare my workplace.

I love you!
Your Yulia.