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Anatomy of a Romance Scam

Sunday, November 08, 2020 8:07 AM
From: Yulia

Hello my dear Ryli. How are you? Did you miss my letter? I hope you missed, because I was really looking forward to the moment when I could write to you. My dear Ryli, today I have had a difficult day at work. For a long time I could not sleep as I thought about you and dreamed of a walk together. It gave me a lot of emotions and I was full of energy and could not sleep. Several clients came to me, so it was necessary to do my work quickly and efficiently. I didn’t sit down to rest and I didn’t even have time to eat. I felt bad and the boss sent me to the hospital. At the hospital, they gave me an injection and prescribed vitamins. I also had to be tested for covid, although I do not even have primary signs of the disease. I have strong immunity and rarely got sick in childhood. Perhaps it was passed on to me from my father. I have never seen him feel bad or sick. I am ringing to my father, he is glad to hear that I said hello from you. He also says hello to you.

My dear Ryli, I am fine now and I feel great. I think I need to sleep, but I can’t help but write to you. After all, I feel that you are pleased to read my letters. I also look forward to reading your letter every day. The boss told me not to come to work tomorrow. I told her that everything was fine with me and that I could work, but she told me to take this as an instruction from my boss, and not as advice from a good friend. She told me to get the test result first. I also passed a general blood test. I hope the results are good and I will be back for work soon. My beloved Ryli, don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I’ll write you tomorrow when I get my tests.

I wish you a great day. And only good mood.
I went to bed thinking about you. I hope you dream for me.
I hug. Yulia